We have an amazing team that includes game designers, programmers, writers, artists & filmmakers.
Current Team

Mattia Romeo, Partner & Game Designer
Mattia Romeo is a game designer and programmer based in New York City. Prior to founding Gigantic Mechanic with Greg Trefry, Mattia was a Senior Game Designer at Gamelab. As well as more traditional forms of games, Mattia also designs and develops big games – large-scale games played in real-world spaces – and worked on some of the seminal examples of the genre, including Pac-Manhattan and Conqwest. Prior to entering the game industry Mattia was a film editor and worked on a variety of independent films including Hamlet, The Kid Stays in The Picture, and Sundance winners Secretary and Personal Velocity.

Gregory Trefry, Partner & Game Designer
Greg Trefry has designed everything from 100-person live-action simulations to documentary video games. He co-founded the game studio, Gigantic Mechanic to create engaging experiences through social and physical play. He served as director of Come Out & Play, an annual festival of street games in New York City for more than a decade. Greg teaches at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program and NYU Game Center. He wrote the book, Casual Game Design: Designing Play for the Gamer in All of Us. / LinkedIn / @gtrefry
Past Collaborators

Jenny Lim, Game & Experience Designer
Jenny led content development for VOXPOP, a series of live-action, collaborative role-plays for U.S. history and social studies classrooms. In her first game, Laser Cats!, players chased laser beams with light-sensing paws. She teaches two classes at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU: Game Design & the Psychology of Choice, and Fundamentals of Multimedia Storytelling. Before joining Gigantic Mechanic, she produced several documentaries for HBO, including The Truth About Killer Robots and Clínica de Migrantes. / LinkedIn

Nolan Filter, Game Developer & Designer
Nolan Filter is a developer/designer specializing in weird cool future tech like Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Volumetric Displays. Up at Night, the studio he co-founded, makes simple, colorful, abstract, and bouncy games for mobile platforms. His favorite games blend digital & physical elements, and he’s always looking for new tech and new designs to help him do this. Nolan co-hosts a weekly-to-fortnightly Board Games and Bars night, so it’s really all games all the time. He loves Pokemon more than most things. / @NolanFilter

Nick Hubbard, Game Designer & Writer
Nick Hubbard’s work takes many forms including interactive installations, virtual reality experiences, solo performance, and experimental games aimed at promoting the lessons of history to citizens of the present through unconventional uses of technology. He is a graduate of the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), and has trained with the American Conservatory Theater, Theater der Schatten, the Mandala Center, and the People’s Institute. His work has been supported by Brooklyn Arts Council, Tisch School of the Arts, and Google Experiments in Storytelling.

Adam Nash, Composer & Sound Designer
Adam Nash is a game developer and composer / sound designer living in Philadelphia. He’s designed, coded, composed music, or written for more than 30 games, working with studios such as This is Pop, Starlight Runner Entertainment, and Gigantic Mechanic, and is currently working on EarthNight at Cleaversoft. When not making games, Nash plays keys in The Space Cats and teaches at Philly-area universities. AdamNashGames.com / @AdamNashGames

Matt Parker, Game Design & Programming
Matt Parker is a game designer, teacher, and new media artist. As an artist, his interest lies in exploring the intersection of the physical and digital worlds. He is a Professor of the Arts at the NYU Game Center and his work has been displayed at the American Museum of Natural History, Brooklyn Academy of Music, SIGGRAPH Asia, the NY Hall of Science, Museum of the Moving Image, FILE Games Rio, Sony Wonder Technology Lab, and many other venues. His game Lucid was a finalist in Android’s Developer Challenge 2 and his project Lumarca won the “Create the Future” prize at New York Maker Faire 2010. He created the game Recurse for the inaugural No Quarter exhibition at the NYU Game Center. Recurse was a finalist for Indiecade 2010 and won the “Play This Now!” award at Come Out & Play 2012. / madparker.com / @madparker

Anne Goodfriend, Art & Graphic Design
Anne is a technologist and designer who is skilled at rapid ideation and prototyping. She has worked on everything from app development, to augmented reality, to wearable technology. Anne graduated from the New School University in 2009 with a degree in Media Studies and received her Master’s Degree from ITP at NYU Tisch. She has a deep interest in storytelling, both traditional and experimental, and is fascinated by urban histories and urban planning. / annekgoodfriend.com / LinkedIn